Regulatory Questions?

MGS has the answers

Our industry is constantly changing with increased quality output, faster time-to-market speeds, technology advancements and more. Regulations for the environment, health, and social images of the industry are also continuing to evolve and impact day-to-day operations. How do you keep up?

Well, MacDermid Graphics Solutions is here to help! We have created the Product Stewardship Consultation Line dedicated to answering our customer’s questions about industry regulations.

MacDermid Graphics Solutions Product Regulatory Department understands the importance of Product Stewardship. We are committed to offering safer products by understanding the health, safety, environmental and social impacts of our products throughout the supply chain. MacDermid is taking the leadership position in providing a dedicated consultation line answering customer’s questions about industry regulations and our products.  

Do you have questions about California Proposition 65, a product SDS, REACH or other industry regulations? With this consultation line, you can now get answers fast!

This new Product Stewardship Consultation Line is staffed by industry experts. For easy access to answers, call (908) 791-2336 Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST.

MacDermid cares about our customers, our employees, and the environment.

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